Centro Selva Arte y Ciencia Artist in Residence programs 2015 Jurado


Liz Tania Diaz Vela / Peru
Liz Tania Diaz Vela is a professional artist born in Pucallpa City, Ucayali, Peru. She studied art at the Public School for Art Studies - Eduardo Meza Saravia, where she now is a professor. She has had several individual and collective exhibitions in different Peruvian cities such as The Pucallpa Cultural Center (Pucallpa), La Casa O’Higgins (Lima), the Iquitos Cultural Center (Iquitos) , The gallery of the  Huánuco Municipality (Huánuco), etc.
In 2012 her photographs were finalists at PACA (Contemporary Amazon Art Awards). She has been finalist in several national art competitions and has been invited as curator and jury for several regional art contests.
She is director of several art workshops for kids in marginal areas and works developing cultural events in the region such as exhibits, contests, festivals, etc., in which she seeks to sensitize the community  in general towards education and inclusion. Liz has been a strong collaborator with several international events within the Centro Selva residency activities.

Karen Niemczyk / USA
Working primarily in new media, Karen Niemczyk is US artist with a focus on interactive sculpture. Her work takes on a variety of forms, mainly interactive light sculpture and video but including digitally created prints, games, internet art and more. Her current works in development are part of her Interpolations project, creating work reflecting the individual using technology and exploring the relationship between that technology/science and the natural world.
Niemczyk’s work has been shown in international venues spanning three continents, including at CultureHub of NYC, ARC in Chicago, the Cyprus College of Art (Cyprus), The Pucullpa Cultural Center (Pucullpa, Peru), La Casa O’Higgins (Lima, Peru), The Chautauqua Gallery (New York, USA) Salem College (Winston-Salem, NC), 1708 Gallery (Richmond, VA) & Röda Sten Art Centre (Sweden). Most recently, her work was featured by Arrow Electronics at the Denver Cherry Arts Festival, and selected pieces were shown at Currents 2013 in Santa Fe & at the Athens Film Festival. She is represented in collections including Arrow Electronics & the Columbus Philharmonic, as well as private collections in the USA and Europe. Artist Talks and panel discussions have included UNCG (Greensboro, NC), Pixelache at the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art (Helsinki, Finland), and Perspectives (UNR, Reno, Nevada).
Karen Niemczyk received her MFA from the C:Art:Media program at Valand School of Fine Art in Gothenburg, Sweden. She is an Adjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. More about Niemczyk and her works are available at http://interpolations.org.

Bill Davis / USA
Bill Davis is an artist from the American Midwest who has worked and lived in Europe, Australia, Asia, Africa, and North America. Before his M.F.A. degree, he moved from Chicago to Prague to assist Pavel Banka teach, exhibit, and freelance in regional Czech galleries. He was invited to exhibit in the 1995 Ljubljana (Slovenia) PhotoFest and lecture as a Visiting Artist at the University of Leeds, U.K. From Prague he co-developed Ohio University’s Study Abroad program, Upon his return to teaching in the U.S., Davis received international and regional grants to work in Paris- IESA (Institut d’Etudes Superieures des Arts), Galicia (Spain, Torre Pujales Foundation- Costa De Morte Museum of Contemporary Art), Korea (Rotary Fellow), Vermont (Cone Editions/WMU Technology Grant), Michigan (Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo- “Autism and Visual Art”) and to exhibit in Australia (Federal Arts Funding Body), UK (University of Leeds), and Ukraine (Ohio Arts Council/CKSCP/Ukrainian Union of Art Photographers) where he presented his work to the city’s mayors, U.S. Ambassador Steven Pifer, and their attachés.  In 2013 he was awarded a Western Michigan University $25,000 CFA fellowship to work with populations with autism in Southwest Michigan. Davis’ photos are held in the U.S. and abroad- privately, publicly, and in museums. His research is in IDMAA 08 (International Digital Media Art Association Journal) and he is the online author for Cengage Learning’s Photography: The Concise Guide (2nd Ed., 2011, Warren). As his work reflects biography, cognition, autism, and digital culture, he has presented on these topics and his experience at Photography, Humanities, Film/Video, and Intermedia conferences and workshops in the U.S., Europe, and Asia- from Harvard to Karlovo University. Davis serves as Western Michigan University Photography & Intermedia Coordinator and was Photography Program Coordinator for the WMU Prague Summer Program. His creative activity reflects on a wide range of formats and techniques for analogue and digital photography. Bill Davis makes use of silver and non-silver ink and chemicals, as core elements for artists that identify themselves as photographic image makers.

Julia Poplawska / Poland
Julia Popławska is a Polish filmmaker and TV journalist. She is a member of Polish Filmmakers Association. She worked as a correspondent for Newsweek Polska in Denmark in 2002-2005.
She has collaborated with Polish Public Television (TVP) Canal+, Kino Polska Television, TVN. Author of the documentary about Tibetans living in Poland, Children of Dalai Lama (2008), an exclusive interview with H.H. Dalai Lama (2009) and a television documentary, The Polish Righteous (2008), about Poles who helped Jews during World War II. She graduated from AndrzejWajda Master School of Film Directing in Warsaw, making documentary “Oh God, dear God” (2010).
Film was awarded on 6th 'MiradasDocs' International Documentary Film Festival, Guía de Isora, Tenerife, Spain (2011) - Best Short Documentary Film and 'Nurt' Documentaries Forms Festival, Kielce, Poland (2011) – Mention
In 2012 she won a competition for best scenario about Old Town of Mexico City, announced by Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de la Ciudad de Mexico – DocsDF 2012. There she made “The Centre” – short documentary about Main Square – Zocalo in Mexico City.
‘The Centre’ was in competition of The Young and Cinema' Koszalin Debut Film Festival, Koszalin, Poland 2013, Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de FENACO, Lambayeque, Perú 2013
In 2014 she received a six-month stipendium from the Polish Ministry of Culture for international project – “Meteopaths”. For this project she will do research and write scenario about weather and climate influence on people in different parts of the world. In Centro Selva she wants to make film documentation of rainforests of Ucayali and its culture. She would like to find there fascinating characters for future film documentary. Her project will end with film presentation and will be followed by leading workshops about this topic.
In 2014 she received artistic scholarship from Polish Ministry of Culture. She took a part in artistic residency in Centro Selva, Amazonia, Peru, where she did film research about culture of Shipibo – Conibo community. She is author of "The Place" (2015, Studio Munka) documentary about workplace situated higher than any other in Poland. Now she collaborates with Canal+ television, Warsaw, Poland and is a member of Polish Filmmakers Association.

Diana Riesco Lind / Peru
Centro+Selva+diana.jpg (213×213)Diana Riesco Lind is a visual artist. Founder and president of the Cultural Association Centro Selva, Arte y Ciencia. She is Master of Fine Arts with specialization in Digital Media from Valand School of Fine Arts, Gothemburg University, Sweden; she studied Experimental Cinema at the School of Photography of Gothemburg University. She has a BFA with a Major in Painting from the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru. Currently Riesco Lind is an independent artist and  teaches at the Instituto de Diseño Toulouse Lautrec, Lima. 
She has had numerous solo exhibitions in Peru and Sweden and group exhibitions in Peru,  Chile, Sweden, Germany and the United States. Her art has been exhibited in places such as the “Biennial Exhibition Latin Views 2008” (USA), the Röda Sten Art Centre (Sweden), and at the Lima Art Museum Summer Auction. Her video, “A Feminine Game” was selected for “The Kunstfilmtag Düsseldorf”, Düsseldorf, Germany.  Her Master’s thesis, “Legacy: a gift of property, a journey through the context of the artist and the art” has been published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. In her art, she develops ideas about belonging, origin, construction of identity, migration, our connections to nature, etc. For more information please visit: http://driescolind.blogspot.com


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