Hebert Gouvea (Brasil)

Kike Riesco (Perú)

Algunas de sus obras fueron seleccionadas en el concurso “Pasaporte para un artista”, y han sido expuestas en Brasil, Argentina, Italia, etc. Recientemente recibió mención honrosa en el Concurso Internacional de Proyectos Online VAE11 (Lima) y primer lugar concurso de diseño Badges Stereohype (UK). En general, su trabajo busca explorar los diferentes medios que trabajo (video, instalaciones, web, dibujo, etc.) y encontrar nexos entre ellos, usualmente partiendo de una reflexión sobre el enfrentamiento/mezcla entre el artista y su entorno en sus diferentes aspectos. Paralelamente, desarrolla una propuesta visual que toma como referente la huella de imágenes del comic, del cine y otros medios.
Rossana Gotuzzo (Perú)
Rossana Gotuzzo estudió Artes Plásticas en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, en la especialidad de pintura. Luego realizó estudios en Ecole de Beaux Arts de Saint Etienne, Francia. Trabajó para el Musée de Art Modern de Saint Etienne para la exposición “Domicile privé/public”. Actualmente se encuentra enseñando Artes Visuales en el Newton College de Lima.
Manuel Larrea Hernández (Perú)

Hilma Lind del Águila (Perú)
Lind del Águila es Sub-directora de la Asociación Cultural Centro Selva Arte y
Ciencia, coordinadora en la residencia, ademas de Gerente General de Márgenes del Bosque
S.A.C., empresa agro-ganadera que sede su espacio para albergar la residencia
de Centro Selva.
Diana Riesco Lind (Perú)

Hebert Gouvea (Brazil)
Herbert Gouvea is visual artist
and independent curator, member of Grupo Paralelo Arte Contemporáneo. He
graduated in Visual Arts in Instituto de Artes / Unicamp, with a specialization
in Contemporary Art in the same institution. In his postgraduate studies, he
examines the boundaries between art and fashion, through the selection of works
from the 1960s up to present time, focusing on sculptural and performative
values. Potentially interested in urban esthetic elements, such as the city,
passersby, clothes, posters, art and music; he invests time to develop hybrid
work the imply these fields. At present, he develops the LABTIC project, which
is centered in giving more visibility to young artists and designers, as well
as in promoting the exchange of the production of regional cultures in wider
Kike Riesco (Peru)
Kike Riesco is a multidisciplinary artist who studied at the Escuela de Bellas Artes del Perú, in Lima, and specialized in printmaking and, later on, in video art and electronic arts. He currently also teaches web design and development, and works as an illustrator.
Some of his art work has been selected for the art contest “Passport for an artist” and has been exhibited internationally in Brazil, Argentina, Italy, etc. He recently received Honorable Mention at the International Online Project Contest VAE11, in Lima, and received First Prize in the design contest Badges Stereohype (UK). In general, his work seeks to explore the different media he uses (video, installation, web, drawing, etc.) and find the relations between them, beginning with a reflection about the confrontation or mix between himself and his surroundings in their different aspects. In parallel, he develops a visual proposal that has as reference the impressions from the images of comics, cinema and other media.
Some of his art work has been selected for the art contest “Passport for an artist” and has been exhibited internationally in Brazil, Argentina, Italy, etc. He recently received Honorable Mention at the International Online Project Contest VAE11, in Lima, and received First Prize in the design contest Badges Stereohype (UK). In general, his work seeks to explore the different media he uses (video, installation, web, drawing, etc.) and find the relations between them, beginning with a reflection about the confrontation or mix between himself and his surroundings in their different aspects. In parallel, he develops a visual proposal that has as reference the impressions from the images of comics, cinema and other media.
Rossana Gotuzzo (Peru)
Rossana Gotuzzo studied Arts in
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, in Lima, specializing in Painting. Later
on, she studied in Ecole de Beaux Arts de Saint Etienne, in France. She worked
for the Musée de Art Modern de Saint Etienne, for the exhibition “Domicile
privé/public”. At present, she teaches Visual Arts at Newton College, in Lima.
Manuel Larrea
Hernández (Peru)
Manuel Larrea
Hernández graduated in Arts with specialization in Sculpture, in Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP); he complemented
his training with studies in Multimedia, in Instituto Toulouse Lautrec, and in various
workshops in audio, electronics and interactivity, in Centro Fundación
Telefónica. Between 2004 and 2011, he has presented a series of three
individual exhibitions titled “Imágenes de Guerra” (Images of War). The use of
steel as a means of expression predominates in the various parts that make up
this project. Manuel has received various distinctions, including the Adolfo
Winternitz Prize to academic achievement, and “Premio otorgado por la crítica”,
Facultad de Arte, PUCP, Lima, 1998. He has received an Honorable
Mention in the “IV Concurso de Artes Plásticas de la Fundación Telefónica”,
Lima, 2000; First Prize in “Salón Nacional de Escultura”, Instituto Cultural
Peruano Norteamericano, Lima, 2006; and First Prize in “XIII Concurso anual de Escultura
Luis Hochschild Plaut”, Lima, 2011.
Hilma Lind del Águila (Peru)
Hilma Lind del Águila is Sub-Director of the
Cultural Association Centro Selva, Arte y Ciencia, and Coordinator at the
residence. She is General Manager of Márgenes del Bosque S.A.C., agricultural
and livestock company that lends the land that houses the Centro Selva
Diana Riesco Lind (Peru)
Diana Riesco Lind is a visual artist, Founding Director of the Cultural Association Centro Selva, Arte y Ciencia. She is Master of Fine Arts with specialization in Digital Media at the Valand School of Fine Arts, Goteborg, Sweden; she studied Experimental Cinema at the School of Photography of Goteborg University, and graduated in Visual Arts with a major in Painting at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Currently, she also teaches at the Instituto de Diseño Toulouse Lautrec, Lima. She has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in Peru, Sweden, Germany and the United States. Her paintings have been exhibited in the “Biennial Exhibition Latin Views 2008”, in the United States. Her video “A Feminine Game” was selected for “The Kunstfilmtag Düsseldorf”, Düsseldorf, Germany; her Master’s thesis, “Legacy: a gift of property, a journey through the context of the artist and the art” has been published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. In her art, she develops ideas about connections, origin, the construction of identity, migration, etc. http://driescolind.blogspot.com/
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